Jogja Gazebo
Never imagine that it is easy to export gazebo and wooden house from Indonesia.
It is all because of the government here make the rules that always make difficulty for the exporter.
For export it we have to make coordination with SUCOFINDO that will release the paper that called LS.
This LS (surveyor report) have very big impact that make us difficult to export, they have the great power that make decision eventhough it is not reasonable for Exporter.
For example :
They have a rule that never inform the exporter what kind of materials and the size could not be exported,so it is why sometimes it is not easy to arrange the delivery on time.
As government institution the SUCOFINDO never allow the goods to be exported without their permit that sometimes between one surveyor and other surveyor in different area have different application.
It is accepted in Cirebon, but not applicable in Solo or Semarang, and vice versa.
Their time schedule is so crowded and always could not handle many suppliers that want to export it on time.
We have to pay additional fee if the surveyor work over time, and almost every shipment has to be over time caused sometimes they are coming very late into the warehouse where suppliers want to do stuffing.
After that they always check one by one the parts, that will be very long. And they blame if the sizes is not very perfect.
How could it be very perfect if the goods made by hand??
The different part and in the packing list caused by our hand could be 1-3 cm,and we have to be perfect on size.
I think It is accepted for materials products as planks,decking,and other half finished wood production, but not gazebo and wooden house
So please help our products exported easily. We can not being competitive in this condition.
We will be erased by our competitor in other country.
If anybody know how to handle it easily please let me know.